The past year March 2018 - March 2019 our community was involved in a variety of issues and concerns that were addressed by the Environmental Committee.

    • There was an increase in residents parking vehicles on the backyard lawn or grassy areas of the home. Code Violations were issued to these residents. The majority amended the violation for a short time, eventually returning to the unsanctioned practice.
    • A number of complaints were brought to our attention regarding abandoned, and broken vehicles parked on the street. All of these concerned were resolved either by the owner of the auto or towed away by the police.
    • Residents are not reading the Grandmenitor monthly newspaper, which clearly provides the monthly calendar dates for: bulk pickup, trash, recycling, yard waste and tree limbs. Too often these items remain on the curb for a week or two, waiting to be picked up.
  • More residents are recycling their waste. This is just an observation made by the Increased number of “blue canisters” in the front of homes.
  • Local businesses when given Code Violations for not keeping their property clean of trash, debris and broken glass, out of compliance to the GCA rules. All cleaned their property in a timely manner.
  • We have not experienced complaints regarding “graffiti."
  • Last spring and early summer there were several complaints regarding rodents, mice and an occasional raccoon invading the community. The city was notified and sent an exterminator, which was successful in controlling the rodent issues. Residents were told to purchase their own traps or a professional to rid the residents of the raccoons.
  • In order to help control the rodent population, the city insisted on cutting grassy areas, not letting the grass grow tall and providing an ideal home for the creatures.
  • Basketball hoops on the street have been an issue for some of our residents. The portable hoops draw crowds, are nosey, hinder auto traffic and attract an uncivil element in cars trying to disrupt the young people just playing ball. The ball players are not the problem; it is the cars that pass by, tossing insults and negative language.
  • There have been several concerns of operating auto repair businesses at the home. These Code Violations are difficult to enforce, because the occupants lay low for a while and return when the smoke clears.

The great majority of our residents comply with our residential/community rules and Code of Friendly Neighbors By-Laws. The key is for neighbors to communicate with each other and collaborate on solutions.